Problems with Google Android

F. Copy Protection:

Google missed out the long term thinking here. They have this feature of now allowing the apps to move from internal memory to SDCard. It was made to ensure that apps aren't copied. Hey Google, didn't you know ROOTed devices does that anyway. Obviously if someone wants to copy will copy it anyhow! But look at the negative side? There are devices with just 128MB of internal memory. How do you expect these devices to run apps out of internal memory?

G. No limelight for New Apps:

Google android store has become a place where there is no room for fresh apps. Whenever you open the Google Market, you'll see top free/top paid etc and on the last is new releases. This is not the case with Apple iOS. Apple ensures that new apps do come on limelight by presenting the user with this screen first. As a result of this silly thing which Google fails to understand, the top apps keep topping all the time and there is very less scope for new apps to come on limelight.

I. Google doesn't Earn from Apps:

They earn from selling support for their Android OS. There are 100s of manufacturers today who go to google for customizing their OS in the way they like it. Samsung and HTC are top ones. Google makes good money with this and they're just not bothered about retail consumer markets.