Problems with Google Android

Believe it or not, Google doesn't care a damn about Android. Why should they? It's not their primary product compared to Apple/Blackberry/Nokia! Google Search is! Android is just a fun project for them with a bunch of investment as a throw away. Remember the time when Google wanted to have Android as an Independent company? Remember how Google didn't pay lot of attention to the sale of Google Nexus One and finally shut the production?

Here are some clearly visible problems with Android and why it's not still the best in the market.

1. No Liability.

Google doesn't want to take responsibility of filtering quality apps. As you read this, there are 300k apps in iTunes, 250k+ on Android, 50-80k on Blackberry and so on. None of the Android developers will disagree with me if I say that 80% of the Android apps are useless. Where is the Quality? People launch apps just to promote their own product?!

Hello! There is something called as HTML 5 and Mobile Web for that! But why would Google care for an orphan?

2. Lack of Interest:

I have seen the forums. There are teams who answer questions related to problems but the entire thing is so slow and there is no fun involved. Developers are not excited about asking questions for the appstore.

3. Google Market:

The market is a big thumb down. I don't like it at all. Let us take some examples:

A. Android Publisher Accounts has Big Problems:

There's always some maintenance or upgrades or something or the other not working. Especially in last couple of months this has increased.

B. The Publisher Account is a ONE MAN ARMY:

Let's say you have a team, OH NO, Market doesn't allow teaming concepts. It's linked to your primary account. How on earth Google assumes the app publishers will hand over their primary account password to the developers to upload and maintain the apps? Companies launch 2-3 apps weekly and it's a big problem for us to convince clients to send their Google Password. This is surely not expected out of Google. To top it, our clients think we do not know our stuff!

C. Merchant Accounts:

Well Google, Did you know how many Android developers are there in India? Atleast far more than what you think. For those of you who didn't know this. Google doesn't allow Paid apps in India and many other countries. Such a pity!

D. Ratings/ Comments:

People keep commenting in and out. Negative comments on competitor products. A good product turns evil! One cannot even mark a comment as SPAM!

E. Free Apps to Paid Apps Switching Not Possible:

What if I want to offer my App free for a few days during holiday season? What if I want to run a promotion campaign?