How to Quit masturbation and recover

Hello Friends... once time i am surfing on net i show this post ..i think this is veri veri usefull to all of you friends :) ....have a nice day it and share it ..

I Damn care for all. i am against masturbation as it destroyed me and my carrier. I lost my self.i lost the strong, athletic, intelligent, witty "ME".i m in field of accountancy student and now i repent of my back days FOOLS. I lost my abilities. Failures are my fate now.There s no use of
repentence now.
Try googling around consequences of masturbation, u will find many medical websites telling about
results of o-masturbation.
if there s nothing like o-masturbation then why these sites crying about? there are also many website where victims of O-masturbation yelling now e.g see anael

OK masturbate u will have less chances of prostate cancer

GOOD!! yeah i find a reson to masturbate :-)

but u will surly get:

-Weak erection / impotence
-eraly ejaculation
-curved penis
-loss of memory
-digestive system
-early white hair/beard
-loss of self respect
-fatigue/ weakness
-No mucsles
-shameful matrimonial life
-semen in urine
-many many more believe me as i got them.

Do it at cost of above.
This is a horrible addiction more addictive and destorable then any other addiction.

opium/Heroine/alcohal drugs etc coz you have to make ur mind ,go and buy it, but masturbation ...
u need your hand and your body... There is nothing like LESS MASTURBATION ,though Some believe there s nothing like OVER MASTURBATION. You masturbate in morning , u urges for it in noon. watch a porn movie in afternoon..then.. and u also going to bed.
Coz u and ur hand all this addiction needed.
I am in this addiction , i used to make promises to myslf of not doing it daily and next day i broke them... I m invovled in it for 10 years. Now i have to say good bye to it.
I left this habit (i m 24 now) and now i m healing day by day. i am getting back ALL i lost.
i m posting my findings of how to get rid of this bad bad habit and how to get and Recover

Those out there trying to get out of this lusty , horrible addiction , this is for them.
and those still advocating masturbation, those stubborn "Do it baby, 10 times a day , you will
have more enjoyment, less and less chances of getting prostate cancer"

firts of all first medicine to get recovery is your "WILL POWER" that will cost 0$ availalbe only

at your own shop.
Be a MAN . Man's word i will not do it for 8 months, come one you can control it for 235 days, to

enjoy rest of your life.

*Avoid seeing PORN. PLZ

*A simple natural remedy that will sound no harm as you know its ingrediants
250 gram yougurt+ 3 teaspoon Hust + two or three bananas.
mix in a bowl and eat before breakfast and in afternoon after 2-3 hrs of noon-meal.

*Take banana milk shake few times (voluntry)

*Avoid tea , excess meat, alcohal and masturbation.

*Yoga and excercises meditation.

*Be Vegitarian for a day make lady finger in a once or twice a week.

Promise 2 urslf that your hand will not touch your penis, again it should be Mans word.

Believe me Bros all who are suffering from after effects, will start getting healing.
i am not insane , i consumed 2 hours thinking and writing this article, i want every one to be

happy and healthy. i m not selling my herbal products. Nor a rabbi priest Mulla or saint.
A X-masturbater who suffered now trying to quit.
If some find it useful do comment.

And all those advocate masturbation ,this article is for those who suffer from after effects like me.

Good LUCK!!
Take care of Your Self