Trina: What’s your response to a horoscope/ astrology skeptic to prove it’s viable?

Tim: You can’t convince a skeptic by any kind of logic. However, many studies have supported the general concept of influence from the skies. Michael Gaquelin, a French statistician, proved overwhelmingly that certain professionals – e.g., scientists, dancers, politicians, etc, tend to share the same planet in the same angle of the birth chart. A statistical tendency that was far beyond chance.

Trina: It seems absurd that every single Virgo is going to have a lust fueled day just because the planets say so.

Tim: One in twelve people are Virgo. Every Virgo, if the aspects are just right-Mars and Moon eighth, Neptune fifth, Venus fifth, etc.-will feel SOME sensual emotion. But all Virgos will react in different ways. Those hard at work might not lift their heads long enough to notice. Some will repress it. Some will sublimate. Perhaps only 1 in 10, or 1 in 50 Virgos will actually find or grab a partner and act out those sensual feelings.

Also, the sexual/lust urge in astrology is identical to the financial/investment, death, murder, crime, research and other “urges.” So many Virgos will probe these areas during that time, rather than lust.

Trina: How much of horoscopes is planting a seed in someone’s mind, creating the anticipation, thus creating their life results?

Tim: This process is self-suggestion, and it is a major tendency in astrological clients, which the astrologer must be aware of and handle wisely. However, if the client is fed “good news” or happy outcomes, then self-suggestion, even if present, does no harm. In fact it performs a benefit. That’s why many astrologers lean backwards to be cheerful, optimistic in readings and horoscope columns.

Trina: My personal pet peeve: One horoscope tells me I’m going to be jacked up and good to go and another one tells me that my sex appeal will be flat. If this is based in astrology, why then is there such inconsistency between astrologer’s predictions?

Tim: Actually, this happens less than you would think. If you read three daily horoscopes for Pisces, each should refer basically to the same thing. If the Moon is in Capricorn that day, all three writers should be mentioning something “social” for Pisces. There are from 2 to 10 aspects every day – some astrologers will look at one, some at another.

So there you have it. If you’re still an astrology skeptic, then this means of tapping into your unique sexual rhythm will not be for you. However, how can you come to terms with your ebb and flow sex drive? Personally I’m going with the feel-good romance for the next sixteen years predictions. Like Tim said, good thoughts can only lead to fantastic sex results.

About the author: Sexologist, Dr. Trina is an author, sex coach, regular television and radio show guest, spokesperson, magazine columnist, former national sex newspaper columnist and internationally acclaimed speaker.