Can Astrology Predict Your Sex Life?

Okay I admit it. Along with being a closeted Madonna girl (so shoot me for liking “bad” 1980s music), I’m an avid horoscope reader. While looking at my yearly forecast, it seems the next sixteen years will fill my Virgo life with romance. Sweet! However, I then jealously found out the next sixteen years promise Gemini’s hot and steamy sex. It got me thinking. Can the stars really predict what’s going on in your bedroom? Not only that, could a couple use this knowledge to help a flagging sex life?

So I decided to go to the source and ask an Astrologer. Tim Stephens, who writes my very favorite horoscope website, was kind enough to answer my tough questions.

First things first: I asked Tim if he could chart my sexual drive. After giving me a rather complicated answer full of moons, planets and angles, he answered, “By all means, yes.” Not only that, he said he could divide my sex drive by different states, romance, lust or marriage. And even grade my “lust” states by them being either casual or deep.

Wow. Go figure. This is definitely one of those, why didn’t I know this twenty years ago things. Instead of forcing the “sex once a week equals success” equation, charting sex drive can mean respecting a couple’s natural sexual rhythm. You see, the key to long term sexual success is to appreciate there will be times of lots of sex, times with no sex, and times of having sex once a week. Being able to foresee when these situations will happen could potentially eliminate a ton of couple grief.

Therefore charting sex drive could be a better solution, or at least a more holistic answer, for those couples waiting with bated breath for a female Viagra.

Before getting all excited to promote a seemingly wishy-washy topic, I needed to placate the astrology cynics. Here’s the rest of my Q & A with Tim.

Can Astrology Predict Your Sex Life?