Troubleshooting of Power supply

Usually we think and are often considered as a problem caused by hardware components such as memory, VGA card or motherboard without a thought occurs at power suplly mistakes that we use. Here are examples of problems that occur:

Computer restarts alone when the system was working.
Computer dead after some time operated.
Internittent parity check or other memory-type errors.
Hard disks and fans are not rotating simultaneously.
Electric shocks felt in the casing or connector.
Power-on or startup failure or lockups.
Sometimes booting itself without spontaneous lockups during normal operation.
System completely dead.


This problem often occurs because the amount of voltage at power supply is not sufficient to be distributed to the hardware component.
Installation / function On / Off button inappropriate or is damaged.
Power cable to the motherboard broken off.
Fan does not turn on the power supply, causing excessive heat on the power supply.

Make sure the power supply voltage is sufficient to replace hardware components with the power supply has a higher voltage.
Replace the switch ON / OFF power supply is connected to the casing.
Make sure no power cord is broken into the motherboard or other hardware component.
Replace the existing fan to the power supply if it does not rotate.
Replace the power supply voltage in accordance with the existing hardware components inside the casing, at least for the PIV to the ATS computer, use a power supply with a voltage of 350 watts.
Hopefully this information useful.