If there are regular members on here than you will know what has happened to me but if you arent then please check my other topics in the 'Love' forum, thanks!
Well me and my ex have been apart for over 2 months now, and we went out to a club we always used to go to about 4 weeks ago, but it didnt go well, as you will be able to tell from obe of my other topics.
She never spoke to me after that, even though i done nothing wrong, i sent her a message every now and again afterwards, just asking how she was and if she was having a good day, nothing major just general chit chat, thens he sent one back saying that like was great for her at the minute, and that i should stop saying 'Love david' at the end of messages because we are not going out anymore, she said that she had moved on i should too, but when we were out at the club, why sis she keep looking at me whenever i spoke to another girl??
so i sent her a message back saying how can someone who you has loved someone for 2 1/2 years and were engaged to just move on that quick, and i said that i thought that her new friends had hcanged her, because it is the truth they have changed her but she is being to stubborn to realise, then i got a reply saying, that she has not changed, she has just grown up, and that i should too. Which was balls because she has changed because of her friends. Then i got another one and she said that she thinks it will be far to hard for us to be friends and that i am being childish???, i was thinking to myself 'What the......' well i said to her of course we can be frends its just hard for me to understand how someone can move on so quick, i wanna still be friends and we can still talk. and i said please dont forget about me!. I said that because i love her so much! this was on a wednesday, it was my birthday coming up on the sunday.
It got to saturday and i got up early to check the mail to see if i got a card off her for my birthday because there is no post on sundays, but i didnt get one, and i though to myself, she might give me one in person tomorrow, it came to my birthday and i didnt get a card or even a message or a call to say happy birthday, i was really hurt by this because she could have at least said happy birthday, i wasnt bothered about no card or present!
That wasnt the main thing that hurt me, i got a phone call from my friend Ben, asking me if i would like to go down the club, that we always go to, including me and lisa when we were together, but i said no because i had no money, then i got a call from my sister, and it wasnt very good news. She said ive got some bad news for you, i dunno if i should tell you or not, but i said go ahead, and she told me that Lisa had a new boyfriend and that she is down the club with him now, i was gutted!!, she didnt even tell me she had a new boyfriend, and she went down the club that i always go to with him, and didnt even tell me, i had to find out from one of my friends!!, now how low is that!!??, i was really really hurt, not by the f act that she had a new boyfriend but the way i found out about it, everyone i know from the club new before me?, it hurt so much, so i sent lisa a lng message telling her what i though of her, and telling her how much she has hurt me by not telling me and letting my find out by someone else.
But then i found out who her new boyfriend was, then i started to laugh!!
Me and my friends say that it will last about 1 week 2 weeks maximum with him, because her parents are very very against people who takes drugs and they will hate him, i dont know what she is thinking!
But i am worried for her, she is a really nice person at heart and i dont wanna see her starting to smoke and take drugs just so she can be like him, if she does i will lose all respect for her, people keep telling me to get him sorted out and give him a good beating, but im not like that, i wil exchange words with him and tell him what i think of him, specially because as he was supposed to be a friend and knows what me and lisa have been going through?? They cant be getting along very well, because i found out that when they were out lisa was crying on the stairs, and they were both sitting there for 2 hours??, i know she isnt right for him, but i suppose she has to learn for herself, i just feel like an idiot losing a girl i was engaged to and then fiding out she is going out with a 16-17 year old druggie! i dont think she knows what she is wanting right now, and hopefully she will realise how much i meant to her?
But i have a problem..... Why do i still love and care for her?? spcially when she has done something like this to me?, im supposed to be hating her right now right?, i am very pissed off at her, but i cant hate her?m why is this, i dont understand, i just still love her, and i probably always will!!, please help me