How to Get - Find a girlfriend on facebook

The Challenges Of Finding The Right Girlfriend

A good number of chics reading this article are probably wondering why any self-respecting Man would want to find a girlfriend on Facebook instead of doing things the old-fashioned way. If you are one of them, you are probably disgusted by the idea of a man hiding behind a computer screen and “stalking” and “molesting” innocent girls in the process of getting his princess.

Well, for one, we are no longer in the age of innocence; the days when a 16-year old Sophia Western in Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones would blush and sigh at the thought of her suitor are long gone. It is no longer possible for you to go a-courting your cousin, Miss Rivers, who was born and bred a lady, and who at the age of 22 looks handsomer than she did at 14.

The kind of girl that the modern guy is walking up against is bad news. She is the type who will yearn for the guy who is outgoing (read arrogant,) confident-of-himself (read narcissistic,) and funny (a guy with coarse jokes,) and then start crying “all men are beasts,” after she has been hurt.

This article is for the guy who is looking for a real woman, but finds that many of the women in her neighborhood are a total waste of time.

Step 1: Get As Many Facebook Friends As Possible

During the god old days, women were taught to be good wives. A man would pick ten girls and from there pick the “perfect wife.” Today, you’ll be lucky if you can pick a wife material from among 100 women.

Finding a wife material on Facebook can be much harder because you will be dealing with a person that you’ve never seen before.

This means that you have to widen your pool so that you can increase your chances of landing on the perfect fish. At this stage, you should add both men and women to your friends list, because you may end up adding a male friend who has the perfect 23 year old cousin designed for you.

Step 2: Check out their profiles

The second step of checking out their profile is a great opportunity to weed out those who will not fit; too old, too young, and so on. Here, you get to check out the status updates of the girls that you have not ruled out. From her comments and posts, you can tell a lot about her values on things such as sex, men, marriage, alcohol, and many others. Make sure that you only pick the girls whose values you agree with.

Step 3: Comment on Her Posts

Getting a girlfriend on Facebook requires you to be proactive. You need to start commenting on posts of the girls that you have cherry-picked. You shouldn’t seem like a stalker though. Make useful comments that will make her notice you.

You need to make her feel good when you are commenting on her posts. For example, if she has used a fake name such as “Black Beauty,” make sure that you use the name when commenting on her post. Facebook will notify her that you have mentioned her in your comment and you can be sure she will notice you.

Step 4: Wait for the girl to come

Most single-and-searching girls will definitely notice you, even though they may not be doing it consciously. You’ve moved miles to reach this point and it is time to let her come close. At this point she may start checking out your profile to see who you are. Unfortunately, Facebook has banned every application that would have allowed you to know whether she checks out your profile. However, if you notice that she has started making comments on your updates, you can now rest assured that she has officially noticed you.

Step 5: Establish private contact – A new phase

This is the most difficult phase when it comes to getting a girlfriend on Facebook. Without this step, all you’ll be will just be a guy we have some things in common. On the other hand, if you don’t handle this stage well, you are likely to come out as a stalker. To establish private contact, you need to show her (without telling her, that you are interested in knowing her more.) You can do this by starting a conversation that will go like this:

(You) @Black Beauty, Why do you love the Yankees so much?
(Her) I don’t know. I guess it’s because my dad loved the team and I am daddy’s girl. What about you?
(You) @Black Beauty; that’s nice. My reason is kinda embarrassing – check your inbox.

Make sure that you have a great story to tell her; a story that will warrant her reply.

Step 6: Establish Physical Contact

Now that you have had the permission to enter her private space, you can now go ahead and ask her whether the two of you can meet. Let this process hatch naturally. All you need to do is to provide the necessary warmth, but you should not crack the egg open.

Sticky Points

If you want to find a girlfriend on Facebook, you need to be aware that you stand a chance of being deceived on some issues. You therefore need to pay greater attention to these areas and not take things at face value:

a. Education and schools attended
b. Physical appearance (people sometimes put fake photos.)
c. Who I am; When people describe themselves, they rarely say who they are; instead, they talk about whom they would like to be.
d. Religion – Your faith is really important here, because if you are born-again and the girl is a bible-bashing atheist, you definitely have no future together. And never think that you will change her.

So, what are you going to do?

P.S. Please leave a comment on what you think about these tips.