50 Ways to Say I Love You

11. Buy her luxurious new silk pajamas that will make her feel treasured and cherished each time she puts them on.

12. Create a special sign (such as a specific hand gesture) that means I love you, just between the two of you.

13. Listen without interrupting.

14. Give her a few minutes of time alone when she first gets home from work. Sometimes, we each need a bit of time to process the transition from work life to family life.

15. Watch a sporting event together.

16. Place a single daisy on her windshield.

17. Kiss.

18. Surprise him by purchasing his favorite DVD or the latest CD of his favorite vocal artist.

19. Talk lovingly about your partner to others, and avoid criticizing your mate to your friends or family. Even if your words never make it back to your partner, the tension and negative energy will eventually wedge its way between you.

20. Take a walk together.

21. Rub his back.

22. Dance to your favorite song.

23. Re-create your first date.

24. Light candles at dinnertime.