Oh No! A Virus!?

Oh No! A Virus!?

Here are some very good tips on how to stay away from your common infections! Thanks to Callthatgirl.biz, couldn’t of said it better.
Be Smart
  • Be very careful when clicking on any advertisements, many are fake and will take you to a virus download
  • Be very careful when “googling” anything, just because it’s at the top of your google search, doesn’t mean it’s “virus free”
  • If you see any type of “scan” started when you go to a website, do not touch anything! These are definitely fake and will download a virus if you touch any part of the screen. Right now, it’s “fake” (appearing to be real)
  • Change all of your email passwords, make sure they are unique and are not the same as your Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn accounts
  • Many email accounts are getting hacked into, so be very careful when getting emails from friends with “just a link” in it. The hackers are getting lazy and not even sending out text anymore. Just a link, be careful!
If you happen to see an attack/infection going on, your best bet to stop it:
  • Press the “control, alt and delete” buttons” at the same time on your keyboard or…put your mouse down on the bottom of your screen (the task bar) and right click
  • Start “Task manager”.
  • Go to the “applications tab” and then you will see what you have going on with your computer.
  • Click on the Internet E or Firefox and then hit “end process”. Do it for all of them.
  • You will see the scan windows go away.
  • Update your anti-virus software and do a scan
Now, you may or may not be infected still. If you do all of the above and see symptoms of a new program on your computer or it acting very slow, then you probably have a virus.
You can do the following:
  • Ignore it and it will get worse, no question
  • Fix it yourself, some folks do a good job with that
  • Get the neighborhood kid to fix it, not a good idea
  • Call Computertech, get protection ahead of time!