You need to get noticed to attract girls. You need to develop a female magnet body language. Perfecting this art can do wonders no only from the aspect of getting a girlfriend but also becoming a seduction expert. It's easy to develop this body langauge. You need to add a few traits and delete a few traits. You need to delete the traits which generate a negative body langauge. You would then need to consciously add a few seduction body langugage traits. A combination of these would turn your body language in a manner which sends out seduction signals to the girls around you. Thats when they get attracted. You will notice the "under the eye" glances coming from the girls around you and some might blatantly ogle at you. You will sense female attraction around you. These are the good things to come when you finish perfecting this art.
Removing the negative body language
Each one of us has certain quirks or unconscious habits relating to our body language. These habits have been inculcated without our conscious knowledge and hence we are not even aware of it. Some of these habits are so destructive to our overall personality that it is best to get rid of them. It will take a conscious effort on your part to accomplish this. It might take a week or more to get a habit replaced. Be patient and keep practicing consciously. Here is a list of negative body language traits, try to figure out which of these behaviors is present in you.
The drooping shoulders walk
The signal which this body language sends out is that you are sluggish. It generates a perception of laziness and lethargy. Though you may not even feel lazy or sluggish inside, the body langauge which you wear makes people percieve that of you. The right body language would be to lift your shoulder so that your arms are parallel to each other, your chesh is slightly bloated up and it feels like your head is at a 90 degree to your shoulders. This is a killer body laugauge and it oozes of confidence. It will take time to get this practiced so that it because a habit with you. A week of conscious practice will get you the results.
The jerky and hasty movements
If you have a hasty walk, people percieve you to be an impatient and fidgety person. Some people have a jerky movement, where there body jerks around while walking. This again sends out signals of weirdness or ecentricity. I am sure this body langauge is very natural to you but the fact is that it sends out negative signals. It is important to replace it with a seduction body language of "walking in the pool". Just imagine that you are wading through water in your pool. The movement is slow and gracious. There is no sense of urgency but a calm composure which seems to say that time is in your control. Have you seen the way Brad Pitt or George Clooney walk? Its very relaxed, as if they are wading through water. There are no jerky or hasty movements. I agree that this is a difficult habit to develop but the returns are so rich that its worth the effort. You will amazed at the way people percieve you once you start walking this way.
The twitching eye movement
Your eyes play a very important role in the art of seduction. If you look at guys who are extremely successful with girls, you will notice that they have a calm gaze, their eyes wouldnt twitch at all. If you are in the habit of twitching your eyes while talking, closing and opening you eyes in hasty movements, making quick eye movements as if you are in danger all the time, then its time to give it your conscious attention and change it. Relax your eye muscles. You can even let your eye lids droop slightly. Practice keeping a steady stare without much movement. Avoid looking around you continously, try to focus on just what is ahead of you. When you relax your eyes you will be conscious of their movement and this will stop the twitching habit. Takes practice, but I cannot emphasize the importance of developing this particular body language enough. It is vital that you get this habit perfected
Playing with your hands
If you are in the habit of playing with your hands while sitting idle, talking, walking or standing then you are send signals or nervousness. Thats how people percieve it. This is a very common habit but its very detrimental to your body language. Avoid it like plague. Be conscious of your hand movements, the best way to accomplish is this is to relax your fingers. Leave your limp whenever you are sitting idly or talking. While standing you can either keep your hands in your pocket or better yet twidle your thumbs into your belt loops but the best thing to do is to leave your hands limp while standing, this is a sign of extreme confidence.
Hurried articulation
If you talk fast while animating your speech with frantic actions with your hands and eyes then you are sending out signals of insecurity, impatience and defensiveness. People percieve you as some who feels the need to impress due to his insecurity in himself. If you observe your facial movements, when you talk fast with facial animation, it seems very contorted as you are struggling. The thumb rule is to relax. Relax you mouth while talking, its a powerful exercise and sends out signals of intense confidence. Relax your face and ensure that there is no animation like bulging eyes, flared up nose or anything of that sort. Let you mouth do the talking, dont involve your hands. When a speaker talks without using his hand, to animate his points, he presents a picture of calm confidence without the need to defend or impress. A very powerful communication technique and a strong alpha body language.
Scratching your face or hair
Most people unconsciously scratch their face or hair while standing, sitting or talking. People around you will percieve it as restlessness. It is very detrimental to your personality. It is also very distracting to the other person when you scratch your face or hair while talking. Some people play with nose, some with their ears, some rub their neck, some scratch their hair, some play with their lower lip or chin, all of these are unconscious behavior and convey a form of restlessness or unease. Be relaxed and leave your hands limp. You dont need to play with anything just keep your attention focus on yourself. While listening just pay attention to what is being said while keeping a relaxed pose. There is no need to think when the other person is talking, just focus your attention. You will realize that conscious behavior is always relaxed, unconscious behavior is restless. Be more conscious of your body and mind, this will help you relax
Adding on seduction body langauge
Now that you have removed the negative traits of your body language and replaced them with positive ones, you are well on your way to being perceived as a relaxed and confident person. Its takes practice to replace old habits, give yourself atleast a week of conscious practice by then most of the traits would get ingrained. This is the foundation. Now we add the seduction body language traits to your positive body language to give you the ultimate girl magnet body language. A confident body language in itself is attractive to girls, add to it the seduction body language traits and you will get girls to feel a huge attraction towards you.
The flirty smile
This is a very subtle smile, there is nothing overtly flirty about it but it conveys huge signals of interest. Some guys put on a fake flirtly smile which overtly stinks of coming on that girls are immediately repulsed by it. They sense danger. Dont make that mistake ever. The smile I am talking about is the one which conveys friendliness but with a huge amount of seduction energy. Its an art actually, it takes confidence to carry it through so make sure you have perfected all the points discussed in "removing negative traits" before persuing this. George clooney and Brad pitt qualify agains as the ones with the perfect flirty smile. The slightly lopside, warm, seduction smile. It never conveys a neediness or overt flirting, so the girls feel secure and usually they smile back. Thats the proof that you have had success with perfecting your smile. You will have to try it out several times, you might get a cold response several times but keep working till you have perfected it. Once you have perfected it the cold responses, from the girls, will reduce and the smiles will increases. If you get a girl to smile back at you its a great first step. You can go home and party because all the practice has finally paid off. Remember not to smile too much, its usually percieved as a sign of insecurity.
The seduction gaze
The perfect backdrop to your flirty smile should be the seduction gaze. I recommend you watch a few George Clooney movies to understand what I am talking about. The seduction gaze is the one of warmth while not being overtly friendly. When you look at a girl try not to avert your glance immediately when she looks at you. It might take practice but learn to look at her, lock eyes with her and smile. The is always a danger of coming off as a weirdo if you are caught staring at a girl for long. Everything in seduction body language is subtle. You need to get it just right, overdo it and you are in a mess. The thumb rule is "less is more". Glance, keep an eye contact, smile and then look away as if you dont care. Never come off as a needy person. At times you just need to give her the seduction gaze without the smile depending on the situation, its a extremely strong signal of your sexual interest in her. Dont forget to watch George Clooney and Brad Pitt movies to understand the way these guys carry off the subtle seduction gaze and the flirty smile. Watch and learn, practice in front of a mirror and start applying it. It takes practice, you cant perfect it in a day. Given a couple of weeks you will be well on your way to be comfortable with your seduction gaze. Always start with the seduction gaze, if the girl responds by gazing at you then follow it up with the flirty smile.
Art of slow movement
There is something extremely attractive about slow movements. It conveys a calm and sensual state. Think about it as if you were playing a movie in slow motion, there is something exciting about the movements. Each movement seems to have a meaning. That's how it is in real life also. When your movements are slow you come across as someone with a lot time, as if you are controlling time. A huge sign of confidence and sexuality. Next time someone calls your name dont turn back in a jerky movement. Relax, take your time, slowly turn back. This shows that you engrossed in your life and dont feel the need to impress other by giving your attention immediately when ever its seeked. Walk slow, talk slow and move slow. Its extremely sensual and girls go crazy about a guy who's body language depicts this.
Practice and practice more
All your habits are unconscious and have developed through years of unconscious use. To replace a habit is easy, you just need to become conscious about your unconscious behavior. Consciously change your habits and perfect the art of seduction body langauge. When you display such a body langauge you will immediately see girls taking notice of you, some will give you a shy glance, some will stare at your overtly, some will smile at you and I tell you this, its very sexual all of it.