Windows 8 Will Change The Way Copy-Paste is Done! [Video]

If you are using Windows 7, there is a good chance that while copy-pasting files from one folder to another, there may be two files with similar names. Considering copy-paste is one of the most used commands on any platform, Windows 8 tries to change the way people will approach copy-paste jobs.
With Windows 7, users get the options “Copy and Replace” , “Don’t Copy” and “Copy, but keep both files”.

Windows8 filemanagement copywin7 thumb Windows 8 Will Change The Way Copy Paste is Done! [Video]

I usually like to use the third option and then go over both files at some later time (which never happens icon razz Windows 8 Will Change The Way Copy Paste is Done! [Video] ).
Windows 8 is changing how people resolve conflicting file names. Users will get the option to choose the files they want to be saved individually (see image below).
Windows8 filemanagement copywin8 thumb Windows 8 Will Change The Way Copy Paste is Done! [Video]

This will help users to actually select which versions of the files they want or keep both versions. According to official Windows 8 post, they plan to let users manage all copy jobs from a single place.
Here is a video with further details on Windows 8 file management basics
Windows 8 will be crucial for Microsoft, and new approach to file management is a good idea. What are your views? Do drop in your comments.